31 August 2008

Pic from Poc

The Capstan in a field near Pocklington, during the 2 seater competition

28 August 2008

Todays SatPic

Lots of folk up in the wave today, in excess of 18000ft. Congrats to Jamie Thompson, a visitor from Camphill who decided to skip Silver and go straight for Gold height.

Last heard Roy half way round his 500 milkrun. Looking at the ladder, John Williams has yet again proved what Scotland has to offer - a 500km OUT AND RETURN at 109kph.

25 August 2008

Cool webcam shot

It aint soarable, so I was having fun

13 August 2008

Watch this space...

More to come, including....

Video of Alex in a donut eating competition.
Video of Alex snoring in the sun, while finishers from a task week are screaming overhead
Details of Alex eating dog food - prank joke by yours truly. Oh how we laughed.
And more things that Alex doesnt want publicised.

The other two...

End of Juniors...

Well, it was a fun two weeks, though more of a "how much money can you spend" comp. I though that last year was bad, but this was taking the michael.

On the final Friday, we did get another comp day - though no-one completed the task. Having taken a re-light, I set off on task. It was a matter of taking every climb as far as it would go and gliding out in hope! There were some long and lonely glides. I decided to do the entire flight myself, with people invariably following me - EXTREMELY irritating, but I still belived this was going to be a finishing task, and you dont get prizes for gaggle flying. As we got to the first turn point, the top cover came in and killed everything. It was survival mode, and I took a weak climb for 300ft. It was enough to get to within 2km of the second turn, but I just couldnt risk stretching it any further, and came down in a field of 7 gliders.

Annoyingly, Tom and Alex did go that 2km further, scoring them about 8 more points! Until of course, Tom got a 65 point penalty for starting too high...

Overall, it was a rubbish comp, but the usual juniors banter made it fun. Fingers crossed for the Mountain Soaring...

02 August 2008

Juniors Day 1....

Mixed results... It started with rain and wind, and ended with sunshine and wind. The thermals were tricky, and there were a lot of land backs. I struggled around in the start sector, but after returning to the bad air to make a start, it was hopeless, and I couldnt get away. Alex had the same problem.

Tom however, who was very drunk last night and missed briefing...made it around 2 turnpoints! Good lad.

There were only a few finishers, with very few people actually making a start.